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Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) Meeting: Proposed Changes to OPSC Participation Agreement

About This Meeting

The Oregon Patient Safety Commission (OPSC) is convening a Rules Advisory Committee, to review updates to Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 325, Division 11 for the Patient Safety Reporting Program. Administrative rules have the effect of law.

Rules Advisory Committees, and other forms of engagement with people and communities, provide OPSC the opportunity to get input from affected communities throughout the rulemaking process. This Committee will meet once in March, and the public is invited to listen to the meeting.

Meeting Agenda

  • Rules Advisory Committee member introductions

  • OPSC’s mission and role

  • Goals for drafting proposed rules

  • Line-by-line review of proposed rules

  • Discussion of any potential fiscal or economic impact

Meeting Access

Join on your computer, mobile app, or room device: Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 226 362 508 561 | Passcode: 4gj7kW3X

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Or call in (audio only)

Phone: 503.446.4951
Conference ID: 307 828 654#


In the 2023 Legislative session, SB229 passed and was signed into law by Governor Kotek. These changes created more flexibility within the Patient Safety Reporting Program (PSRP) to make use of modern patient safety practices. OPSC’s current administrative rules have not fully integrated these changes in law, in particular as it relates to OPSC’s PSRP Participation Agreement. OPSC’s current administrative rules create a barrier to participation in short-term initiatives for eligible healthcare facilities. OPSC is seeking to revise our administrative rules, with feedback from a Rules Advisory Committee, to more fully achieve the intent of SB229.

Our Commitment to Equity

The mission of OPSC is to improve the safety of Oregon’s healthcare system for every Oregonian, making equity integral to everything we do. Therefore, we are committed to developing rules that foster diversity, equity, and inclusion.

See General Meeting Information to learn more about materials, public comment, and interpretation and accommodation.

March 12

Task Force Meeting: Q1 2025

April 16

Public Hearing for OAR 325-005-0015: Biennial Budget (2025-2027)