Public Records Request
Request Public Records
To inspect or receive a copy of an Oregon Patient Safety Commission (OPSC) record, please follow the below steps. OPSC may request additional information or clarification from the requestor, if necessary, to expedite OPSC’s response to the request. To submit a request, please:
Complete a Public Records Request Form
Email the completed form to info@oregonpatientsafety.org (subject: Public Records Request)
Public Records Fees
OPSC is authorized under public records laws to recover its costs of making records available including locating, retrieving, and compiling requested records; reviewing, redacting, and segregating exempt material; supervising inspection of records; and duplicating, certifying, and mailing records. Fees for search time may be charged regardless of whether OPSC is able to locate the requested records, or the records located are subsequently determined to be exempt from disclosure.
Duplication fees: Printed and scanned copies shall be provided at $1.50 for the first page and $0.25 for each additional page. Duplication fees include materials and labor rendered during the duplication process.
Labor fees: Labor fees will be calculated at the affected personnel’s fully burdened hourly rate. Labor fees apply to requests that require more than a nominal amount of staff time.
Payment: OPSC will require payment in full prior to disclosure of records. OPSC reserves the right to require prepayment of estimated costs prior to commencing a records search. Acceptable forms of payment are by check or money order made payable to OPSC. If the estimated amount of charges exceeds $25, OPSC will provide the requestor with the estimated fee and will proceed only upon receipt of the requestor’s written confirmation to proceed.
Fee waivers: OPSC may reduce or waive fees if doing so is in the public interest because making the records available primarily benefits the general public. In order to have a request for waiver considered, the requestor should (but is not required to) provide a statement about how the release of the records affects the community or society as a whole, in contrast to a concern or interest of a private individual or entity. All requests are evaluated on the circumstances as a whole, including the burden to OPSC in locating or preparing the records. OPSC will waive fees for any request for records that incurs less than $10.00 in total fees, subject to one waiver per requestor per consecutive 90-day period.