Our Governance

A diverse group of Oregonians help support the work of the Oregon Patient Safety Commission (OPSC).

OPSC Board of Directors

About Our Board

The OPSC Board of Directors consists of 17 members. Our Board composition reflects the diversity of facilities, providers, insurers, purchasers, and consumers involved in patient safety. Board members are appointed by the Governor (and confirmed by the Senate) to serve a four-year term and may be reappointed for a second term.

The Board of OPSC is the governing body for Oregon Patient Safety Commission (OPSC), a semi-independent state agency. OPSC operates two statewide programs that promote shared learning and candid dialogue to reduce the risk of patient harm across Oregon’s healthcare system. OPSC’s programs are:

  • Patient Safety Reporting Program (PSRP). PSRP collects and analyzes information from healthcare facilities about patient harm events. We share the lessons learned to support facilities in improving care and preventing future harm.

  • Early Discussion and Resolution (EDR). EDR helps connect patients who experience harm and their healthcare provider so they can speak candidly about what occurred, work toward reconciliation, and contribute to safeguarding others from similar harm.

Learn more about joining our Board.

Board Members

Position 1: Faculty Member Representative
Hollie Caldwell, PhD, RN
Concordia University-St. Paul

Position 2: Private Purchaser of Healthcare
Open Position

Position 3: Public Purchaser of Healthcare
Lisa Bui, MBA
Oregon Health Authority

Position 4: Healthcare Consumer
Gwen Dayton, JD, CHC

Position 5: Healthcare Consumer
Treasurer: Jessica Morris, BBA
Meals on Wheels People

Position 6: Health Insurer
Open Position

Position 7: Health Insurer
Open Position

Position 8: Labor Representative
Open Position

Position 9: Physician
Mark Shatsky, DO
Providence Medical Group

Position 10: Physician
Chair: Bob Dannenhoffer, MD
Douglas County Public Health

Position 11: Hospital Administrator
Susan Steen, MSN, RN, CNOR
Oregon Health & Science University

Position 12: Hospital Administrator
Margaret Mikula, MD
Samaritan Health Services

Position 13: Pharmacist
Katie Hufft, PharmD, BCPS
Providence Medical Group

Position 14: Ambulatory Surgery Center Representative
Jamie Miller, MHA, BSN, RN, CPHQ
SCA Health

Position 15: Nurse
Brett Byers, BSN, RN, CPHQ
Columbia Memorial Hospital 

Position 16: Nursing Facility Representative
Erin Sprando, CNHA, CALA
Marquis Companies

Position 17: Public Health Officer
Dana Selover, MD, MPH
Oregon Health Authority

Task Force on Resolution of Adverse Healthcare Incidents

The Task Force on Resolution of Adverse Healthcare Incidents (“Task Force”) consists of 14 members, including a patient safety advocate, a hospital industry representative, physicians, trial lawyers, public members, and legislators. The Task Force serves as an evaluative body for Oregon’s Early Discussion and Resolution program. EDR helps connect patients who experience harm (or a family member) and their healthcare provider so they can speak candidly about the harm that occurred, work toward reconciliation, and contribute to safeguarding others from similar harm.

Task Force members are appointed by the Governor to serve a four-year term and may be reappointed for a second term.

Task Force Charter

Task Force Members

Position 1: Trial Lawyer
Open Position

Position 2: Physician
Co-Chair: Margaret Mikula, MD
Samaritan Health Services

Position 3: Trial Lawyer
Rhett Fraser, JD
Huegli Fraser, PC

Position 4: At-Large Member
Co-Chair: Bob Joondeph, JD

Position 5: Physician
Samuel Kim, MD
Providence Health & Services

Position 6: Trial Lawyer
Diego Conde, JD
Conde Law Group, PC

Position 7: Hospital Industry Representative
Cameron Padilla, JD, MN, RN

Position 8: Physician
Alex Skog, MD
Providence Health & Services, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Position 9: Advocate for Patient Safety
Sasha Walia, PhD, MPA-HA, CPHQ
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute

Position 10: At-Large Member
Julie Duyck, RN, MHA, CPHRM
Kaiser Permanente

Legislative Members (Advisory Only)

Position 11: House Democrat

Position 12: House Republican
Rep. Cyrus Javadi, DDS

Position 13: Senate Democrat

Position 14: Senate Republican

Join Our Board or Task Force

Along with the Office of the Governor, we invite you to get involved in your state government by serving as a member of the OPSC Board of Directors or the Task Force on Resolution of Adverse Healthcare Incidents (Task Force). We are committed to ensuring that the OPSC Board and the Task Force represent the growing age, racial, and gender diversity of the state. Serving on a public board or task force offers a unique opportunity to pool our collective viewpoints, visions, and hopes for Oregon.

4 great reasons to join our Board or Task Force:

  1. It’s a powerful way to grow your personal and professional expertise

  2. It’s a great opportunity to expand your network of peers, professionals, community leaders, and others

  3. It’s a tangible way to make a difference in the lives of ALL Oregonians

  4. The meetings held are virtually, on a quarterly basis, meaning it can fit into your already-busy schedule:

    • The OPSC Board meets on the first Monday of March, June, and December, and the second Monday of September for a two-hour meeting; there may also be some prep work prior to each meeting

    • The Task Force meets on the second Wednesday of March, June, September, and December for a 90-minute meeting; there may also be some prep work prior to each meeting

Board Positions

All OPSC board members must demonstrate interest, knowledge, or experience in patient safety.

Open Positions

  • Private Purchaser of Healthcare (Note: This position cannot be filled by someone who provides or is involved in healthcare delivery)

  • Labor Representative

  • Health Insurer (two open positions)

Interested in learning about any upcoming Board openings? Please contact us to learn more!

Task Force Positions

Open Positions

  • Trial Lawyer

Interested in learning about any upcoming Task Force openings? Please contact us to learn more!

Are you interested in applying for a Board or Task Force position? Great!

OPSC coordinates with the Governor’s office to fill OPSC Board and Task Force positions. Before applying, please contact us at info@oregonpatientsafety.org.

Learn how to apply for a Governor-appointed Board or Commission.

OPSC Executive Director

Valerie Harmon, Executive Director

Valerie smiles at camera. She wears round black glasses, with long hair and a black shirt.

Valerie Harmon, MPH, is an experienced operations, policy, strategic communications, and patient safety leader. Driven by a passion for creating a healthcare system that works for patients and the organizations serving them, she takes pride in her role supporting the work of the Oregon Patient Safety Commission. Valerie began her career in the long-term care industry and has held various roles leading quality and patient safety work at the state-level, focusing on the systems and culture that support better patient outcomes. Throughout her career, Valerie has gained a deeper appreciation for the need for systemwide collaboration to make progress in patient safety.  

She holds a masters degree in of Public Health from Oregon State University. As a lifelong Oregonian, Valerie is committed to using her work to create a meaningful difference in the lives of people, families, and communities across Oregon. Valerie lives in Portland with her family, and together they enjoy the outdoors, hiking, biking, traveling, food, and spending time with friends.

OPSC Board & Task Force Meetings

OPSC Board Meetings

The OPSC Board meets on the first Monday of March, June, and December, and the second Monday of September.

The OPSC Board Executive Committee meets on the third Friday of February, May, August, and November.

Task Force Meetings

The Task Force on Resolution of Adverse Healthcare Incidents meets quarterly on the second Wednesday of March, June, September, and December.

General Meeting Information

  • Materials: Meeting materials will be available one week prior to a meeting. For past meetings and materials, visit our public meetings archive.

  • Open to the public: You can to listen to Board, Executive Committee, or Task Force meetings.

  • Public comment: You can submit public comment specific to a meeting agenda item either in writing or in the meeting itself. To provide comment in writing, email your comments (in 1000 words or fewer) to info@oregonpatientsafety.org by 12:00pm the day prior to the meeting. Time allotted for public comment during a meeting can be found on the agenda.

  • Requests for interpretation and accommodation: If you need to request interpretation or another accommodation, please contact us three (3) days in advance of the meeting. Contact us to request accommodations.

  • Closed sessions: On occasion, the Board, Executive committee, or Task Force will go into executive session, pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(a), (b), (f), (h), and (i). This law allows a public body to meet in a closed executive session to consider the employment of a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, to obtain legal advice from and consult with legal counsel, or to discuss and deliberate on personnel performance if the individual does not request an open meeting. No final decisions will be made during the executive session. A public session will follow each executive session where resolutions may be adopted.