Hospital Report Quantity Targets
Hospital quantity targets, the number of reports a hospital submits each year, are based on each facility’s annual discharge volume and are calculated using the most recent public discharge dataset available from the Office for Oregon Health Policy and Research and the Oregon DataBank Program.
For facilities with less than 4,500 discharges, the quantity target is a minimum of 4 reports. For facilities with more than 4,500 discharges, the quantity target is calculated as 0.1% of annual discharges in the most recent year for which data is available.
Hospital Name and Quantity Target
Adventist Medical Center: 8
Asante Ashland Community Hospital: 4
Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center: 17
Asante Three Rivers Medical Center: 6
Bay Area Hospital: 5
Blue Mountain Hospital: 4
Columbia Memorial Hospital: 4
Coquille Valley Hospital: 4
Curry General Hospital: 4
Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center: 9
Good Shepherd Medical Center: 4
Grande Ronde Hospital: 4
Harney District Hospital: 4
Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center: 17
Kaiser Westside Medical Center: 7
Lake District Hospital: 4
Legacy Emanuel Medical Center: 18
Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center: 8
Legacy Meridian Park Medical Center: 6
Legacy Mount Hood Medical Center: 5
Legacy Silverton Medical Center: 4
Lower Umpqua Hospital: 4
McKenzie-Willamette Medical Center: 8
Mercy Medical Center: 6
Mid-Columbia Medical Center: 4
OHSU Hospital: 25
PeaceHealth Cottage Grove Community Medical Center: 4
PeaceHealth Peace Harbor Medical Center: 4
PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center at Riverbend: 22
PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center University District: 4
Pioneer Memorial Hospital and Nursing Facility: 4
Providence Hood River Memorial Hospital: 4
Providence Medford Medical Center: 5
Providence Milwaukie Hospital: 4
Providence Newberg Medical Center: 4
Providence Portland Medical Center: 17
Providence Seaside Hospital: 4
Providence St. Vincent Medical Center: 22
Providence Willamette Falls Medical Center: 5
Saint Alphonsus Medical Center - Baker City: 4
Saint Alphonsus Medical Center - Ontario: 4
Salem Health: 24
Samaritan Albany General Hospital: 4
Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital: 4
Samaritan North Lincoln Hospital: 4
Samaritan Pacific Communities Hospital: 4
Santiam Hospital: 4
Sky Lakes Medical Center: 5
Southern Coos Hospital and Health Center: 4
St. Anthony Hospital: 4
St. Charles Bend: 17
St. Charles Madras: 4
St. Charles Prineville: 4
St. Charles Redmond: 4
Tillamook Regional Medical Center: 4
Tuality Community Hospital: 4
Wallowa Memorial Hospital: 4
West Valley Hospital: 4
Willamette Valley Medical Center: 4