Who to Contact for Additional Support If EDR Isn’t Right for You
OPSC’s mission is to reduce the risk of serious adverse events occurring in Oregon’s healthcare system and to encourage a culture of patient safety.
If you feel EDR isn’t the right path for you, there are other resources that can help.
Below is a list, organized by type of healthcare provider or facility, that you can use to contact the correct healthcare agency, file a complaint, or find the support that you need.
I need help regarding…
1-877-254-6263 (toll-free) or 971-673-2700
Aging and People with Disabilities
1-800-282-8096 (toll-free) or 503-945-5811
Aging and People with Disabilities
1-800-282-8096 (toll-free) or 503-945-5811
1-800-522-2602 (toll-free) or 503-378-6533
Includes emergency medical responder, emergency medical technician (EMT), EMT-Intermediate, and paramedic
Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems Program
Aging and People with Disabilities
1-800-282-8096 (toll-free) or 503-945-5811
1-800-522-2602 (toll-free) or 503-378-6533
Civil Rights Division, Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries
If you believe that you have been illegally discriminated against on the basis of a protected class or protected activity, contact Oregon’s Civil Rights Division.
Office of Equity and Inclusion, Oregon Health Authority
State and federal law prohibit discrimination against protected classes. Protected classes include but are not limited to: age (18 or older), national origin, color, pregnancy, disability, race, gender identity, religion, limited English proficiency, sex, marital status, or sexual orientation.
The guarantee of non-discrimination applies to all Oregon Health Authority (OHA) programs and services in relation to these protected classes.
Learn more about individual civil rights and how to report discrimination.
1-877-254-6263 (toll-free)
Includes nuclear medicine technologist, magnetic resonance imaging technologist, radiation therapist, radiographer, radiology practitioner assistant, and registered radiologist assistant, sonograms.
Oregon Board of Medical Imaging
Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman (OMB)
The MBO helps you with Medicare-related complaints, grievances, and information requests.
The MBO makes sure you have information related to your Medicare rights and protections and how you can get your concerns resolved.
Also called naturopath or naturopathic physician
Including Registered Nurse (RN), Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), Nurse Practitioner (NP), Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA), Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS), and Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), Certified Medication Aide (CMA)
Aging and People with Disabilities
1-800-282-8096 (toll-free) or 503-945-5811
1-800-522-2602 (toll-free) or 503-378-6533
Oregon Health Authority Ombuds Program(for Quality of Care Concerns)
The Oregon Health Authority has a team (called Ombuds) who advocate for Oregon Health Plan (OHP) Medicaid members.
The goal of the Ombuds team is to ensure OHP members get access and quality healthcare without barriers.
Contact the Ombuds Program if you have a concern about the services you get from OHP.
1-877-254-6263 (toll-free) or 971-673-2700
Aging and People with Disabilities
1-800-282-8096 (toll-free) or 503-945-5811
1-800-522-2602 (toll-free) or 503-378-6533
Includes marriage and family therapist
Board of Licensed Professional Counselors and Therapists
Investigator: 503-378-5499 ext. 4
Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General (OIG)
1-800-488-8244 (toll-free)
If you feel an important resource is missing, please contact us and let us know!