How to Identify & Contact the Leader of a Healthcare Organization After a Problem in Your Care

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  1. Find the name and contact information (phone, address, or email) of the person in charge of the part of the organization where you had a problem or were hurt. This is often someone with a title that includes the words manager or director (such as Medical Director or Nursing Manager). You can also ask a member of your healthcare team or look to see if the information is posted in the healthcare organization or in any materials the healthcare organization gave you. Then try to contact them (see Tips for Calling or Writing a Healthcare Organization After a Problem in Your Care).

  2. If you cannot find the right person, or they do not respond when you call or write them, you may need to find a more senior leader, someone who is in a higher position in the organization. Often such people have a title that starts with the word Chief, such as:

    • Chief Medical Officer (CMO)

    • Chief Nursing Officer (CNO)

    • Chief Operating Officer (COO)

    • Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

    You may also contact a member of the organization's Board of Directors. Board of Directors information is typically found on an organization’s website.

  3. If you can’t find the phone number or email address for the correct person, you can call the main number for the organization and ask for their office, or you can write them a letter. Address your letter to the attention of the person you are contacting.

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