Interested in Working with a Mediator?

Sometimes the path to a resolution can be challenging. The patient, healthcare provider, or facility may choose to hire a mediator to help facilitate the Early Discussion & Resolution (EDR) process. A mediator can help all parties discuss concerns and ensure that individual needs and interests are addressed. 

Using a Mediator for EDR

  • It’s optional

  • Any party can ask to use a mediator 

  • If all parties agree to hire a mediator, the cost should be shared unless a different arrangement is made

Find a Mediator

Browse our list of qualified mediators to find the right one for your unique situation. You may also choose someone who is not on our list. 

To establish mediator qualifications, OPSC worked with the Oregon Mediation Association, representatives from the Alternative Dispute Resolution section of the Oregon Bar Association, and the Task Force on Resolution of Adverse Healthcare Incidents. 


Register as a Mediator

Interested mediators, who meet the mediator qualifications, are invited to register to be included on our mediator list.

Mediator qualifications 

  • Experience: 50 cases or 500 hours of mediation

  • Education: Any

  • General Mediator Training: 30 hours of education meeting the standards in OAR 325-035-0035, Appendix A, or equivalent training

  • Subject-Specific Training: 16 additional hours of professionally accredited specific subject training (which may include, but is not limited to, training related to medicine, healthcare, medical or hospital culture, health care transformation, mental health, grief counseling, psychology, risk management, key substantive, procedural or evidentiary laws relating to personal injury or adverse healthcare incidents, and adverse incident mediation discussion or role-playing)

  • EDR Orientation: By downloading and viewing an EDR orientation webinar

  • Ethics and Standards of Practice: Adherence to professional standards of mediation practice

Request a qualification waiver: In certain circumstances, we may waive one mediator qualification requirement if we believe someone’s overall qualifications meet the needs and intent of the EDR qualified mediator list. To request a waiver, complete and submit a Mediator Qualification Waiver Request Form.

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